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Sustainability at Lohmann

Lately, Lohmann released an update of their sustainability report.

 MKlaube_bonded.pngAlthough Lohmann is not a listed company and has less than 5.000 employees, this was done on a voluntary basis. Very deliberately! We will learn more on the background of this report as well as the significance of sustainability for the Bonding Engineers from Martinus Klaube, Head of Management Systems BU TP EMEA, in the following interview.

Mr. Klaube, what is the story behind Lohmann’s sustainability report?

There are more and more customer requirements and inquiries concerning sustainability at the supplier Lohmann. The topic sustainable management within the supply chain is getting more and more important for many customers. It is a substantial image factor and, ultimately, a competitive advantage. Inter alia, customer audits concerning corporate social responsibility are performed and a range of topics such as fair working conditions, health and environment protection or the code of conduct are covered. In this regard, some OEMs provide platforms where respective information can be accessed (e.g. To get approved as a supplier, the corresponding information has to be provided and positively evaluated.

Could you tell us where most of the improvements or developments can be found?

The greatest potential lies in Neuwied where there are energy-intensive processes, consumption of chemical raw materials and an emergence of emissions and waste. At the processing sites, waste minimizing and recycling are paramount as well as energy-saving potential which is, however considerably lower than in Neuwied.

Which of the three pillars seems to be a particular strength of Lohmann in your opinion? Ecology, economy or social issues?

Ecology and economy go hand in hand here because the use of raw materials and energy on the one hand as well as the disposal costs for waste and emissions on the other hand both have economic consequences; increasingly. Additionally, social standards compliance – compliance to regulations concerning working times, minimum wages, occupational safety and health protection – is generally expected. Especially in countries which have lower standards of occupational safety than in Europe, this is an aspect that cannot be taken for granted and is thus questioned or rather audited.

How do you assess the importance of a sustainability report for the company? Today and in the future?

I think, larger manufacturing companies like Lohmann are of course expected to provide a current sustainability report, containing the activities and progresses made concerning sustainability. In the future, the value of sustainable management and sustainability reports will rather increase and constitute an important evaluation criterion for the relationship between customers and suppliers. Finally, the consumers / end users become more and more sensible in regards to a sustainable manufacture of products and consider this a purchase criterion.

Please read here our updated sustainability report:

In the context of sustainability and the possibility of continuous updating, we provide our sustainability report in digital form only.

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